Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Keeping the Holidays in Perspective – Investing in a Patio Heater for those Post Holiday Events

Doesn't seem like each year the holiday season comes in and quickly vanishes before our very eyes?  I think it has something to do with age, hee hee!  Honestly though, as a kid don't you remember how long it seemed to take for the holiday to arrive?  My youngest children still ask, "how many more days 'til Christmas?"  For adults, however it seems to come too fast; the shopping, decorating, baking, and all the other preparations we inflict on ourselves to make this holiday the best ever.  With only 11 days until Christmas just keep in mind that you're creating memories that soon will be just that, memories!  Try to stay sane in these last few days, you'll make it through even though at times it doesn't feel like you will; somehow everything gets done or at least the things that are most important to your holiday traditions get done; they always do, don’t they?

After the holiday rush is over, take time to sit back and relax; hopefully you'll have some time-off from your job to spend with family and friends before the next big event starts getting hyped-up!

If you're a football fan the next big event after the holidays is the NFL playoffs and of course Super Bowl Sunday!  Some of the biggest football fans I know are tailgaters; they love heading to their hometown teams football stadium very early in the morning, sometimes as early as 6:00 a.m. in order to get the "best" tailgate spot!  They set their tailgate areas up with tents, grills, and the other amenities that make football tailgating so much fun!   To be honest I never really understood this phenomenon; go to the field, set up the television and grill, make sure the beer is on ice only freeze your butt off not only waiting for the game to begin but throughout the game itself.  I never really understood going through all of this work only to be cold when I could be in my heated house enjoying most of the same fun.  Then I thought of the concept of bringing along our patio heater; wow, what a great idea!  Now it doesn't have to be so cold during that tailgate party and you get the added value of hanging out with all the other football fans.

As mentioned in one of my previous posts, Create a Heat Wave on Your Patio or Deck, we know that it is very profitable for a restaurant owner to have several infrared, propane, or free-standing patio heaters to keep their decks and patios open for a weeks longer during those chillier autumn or early spring nights.  Additionally it increases their sales up to 70% while keeping their patrons warm and toasty while enjoying a night out with friends at their favorite pub!

Now think about investing in a patio heater that you can take to that football tailgate party.  Wow, what a great investment in comfort that is!  With the variety of heaters now on the market, anyone can purchase a heater regardless of the size of their pocketbook.  A table-top patio heater would be the ultimate purchase for the football fan tailgater; to enjoy the game at the ballpark with all the amenities of home, including heat!

These heaters have a range of heat up to 9 feet!  So while you’re enjoying the stressless days after holidays, consider getting ready for the NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl tailgate parties by looking into the great investment of a portable heater for your tailgating fun!

For holiday gift ideas by age group visit our website newsletter at while at the same time you just may find a nice selection of patio heaters for your next tailgate party!  Maybe you’ll even find that perfect holiday gift for your tailgater!

Until next time..!

Your Patio Heater
Your Heat Source

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